Flame characterization by femtosecond CARS
Fs-CARS transients from nitrogen molecules in a flame (e.g. methane/air) are used
for temperature analysis [1]. The expanded section of the transient shown at the
bottom demonstrates excellent the agreement between fit and experiment.
[1] P. Beaud, H.-M.
Frey, T. Lang, and M. Motzkus, Chem. Phys. Lett. 344 (2001) 405 - 412.
The derived temperature values depend on the collision model used
in the fit. Fs-CARS enables measurements in pressurized environments and
experimentally provides an access to the appropriate model [2].
[2] G. Knopp, P. Beaud, P.P. Radi,M. Tulej, B. Bougie, D. Cannavo, and T. Gerber,
Journal of Raman Spectrosc.,33 (2002) 861.
Figure: Fitted temperature and pressure values from fs CARS signals at 295 K. Two different models
for energy transfer (ECS-E and ECS-P) are compared.