
Peter P. Radi
Physical Chemist, Molecular Dynamics
Paul Scherrer Institute
CH-5232 Villigen PSI
E-mail: peter.radi@psi.ch
Phone: +(41)-(56)310-4127, Fax: (+41)-(56)310-2199
Generation and spectroscopic characterization
of radicals and (metal-) clusters, nonlinear spectroscopic techniques, thermodynamics and kinetics of chemical reactions relevant
to combustion and catalysis processes, state-specific collisional energy transfer, molecular beams, mass spectrometry
Research Assignments at PSI (since 1990)
Other Professional Experience
- Research Assistant,Institute of Physical Chemistry, University of Berne Switzerland, associated with Prof. E. Schumacher (1982-1986)
Postdoctoral studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara, USA, associated with Prof. M. T. Bowers (1986-1990)
Visiting Research Scientist, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartfort, Connecticut, USA, associated with Prof. A. C. Eckbreth (1992)
Academic Background
- Diploma in physical chemistry, University of Berne, Switzerland (1982)
- Ph.D. in chemistry, University of Berne, Switzerland (1986)
102 journal
publications on metal, semiconductor
and carbon clusters; application and development of spectroscopic techniques;
analysis of radicals in combustion